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Webdesign contest " Uncle Ho with the Youth"

On the occasion of beloved Uncle Ho's 112th birthday(19/5/1890 - 19/5/2002), Tien Phong Newspaper, Information Center (Central Science and Education department) and NetNam Company (IT Institute) jointly organize a Webdesign contest in order to :

- Show the Youth pride and gratitude to Uncle Ho and the Communist Part of Vietnam
- Raise people's knowledge of Uncle Ho's status, career, his care, educating and training the Youth
- Improve the level (skill) and creativeness of the Youth in terms of Information Technology.

I. The Website's content:

- President Ho Chi Minh's status and career
- Information (document) about his founding, educating and training the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union and the Vietnamese Youth.
- Milestones and important events of the Communist Party and the Union since their foundation
- Lists of music works, fine arts (paintings), literature's, etc. relating to "Uncle Ho with the Youth".

The contestants may include all or part of the above requirements in his Website and the the source of information and materials should be given.

II. Technology

The system works based on Web service. It should look fine with consistent structure and suited to the current IT infrastructure and in Vietnam.
We suggest the designers to use open and standard technologies.
The site must be accessible regarding software and hardware, and support different Vietnamese fonts.
It should be designed dynamic and flexible for development and administration and support search engines.
Multimedia tools should be used to make an attractive and modern Website.

III. Who can join the contest:

Group or individuals at different ages, in or out of the country, Vietnamese or foreigners can become the contestants.
We encourage the Youth to take part in the contest.

IV. Duration:

The contest take place from May 19th, 2002 to August 19th, 2002.
We will announce the result and deliver prizes on the National Day September 2nd, 2002.

V. Where can the Website be sent ?

- Tien Phong Newspaper, 15 Ho Xuan Huong str. Hanoi. Tel: (04) 9434341.
- NetNam company. Email to under the subject: "Uncle Ho with the Youth" Tel: (04) 7564907

For more detail, please visit NetNam's website at

VI. Prizes:

- One 1st prize - 10 million VND
- Two 2nd prizes - 6 million VND
- Three 3rd prizes - 4 million VND

- There are encouraging prizes and many other valuable presents.
The prized or typical Websites will be introduced in NetNam Website.
For further detail, please contact us at