Last update: Tuesday, March 19, 2002 2:15 PM
This is a multi-part message in MIME format. --------------060706050402070908010403 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Sorry for Cross posting Vietnamese version will follow The Hanoi LUG (Linux User Group) and other groups interested in Free and = Open Source Software will have an informal meeting where we are going to discuss very important things. 1 - Activities for the Software Freedom Day the 28 august 2004 2 - When we meet the next time 3 - Fun/coffee/tea/beer Where : Hai Xom 181 Giang Vo When : Wednesday the 7th day of the 7th month at 7 O'clock in the evening (2004-07-07 at 7 PM) Please confirm your presence if possible, by email
------------------------------- Nh=C3=B3m Hanoi LUG (Linux User Group) v=C3=A0 c=C3=A1c nh=C3=B3m quan t=C3= =A2m =C4=91=C3=AA=CC=81n ph=E1=BA=A7n m=E1=BB=81m t=E1=BB=B1=20 do v=C3=A0 m=C3=A3 ngu=E1=BB=93n m=E1=BB=9F kh=C3=A1c s=E1=BA=BD c=C3=B3 = m=E1=BB=99t bu=E1=BB=95i g=E1=BA=B7p g=E1=BB=A1 th=C3=A2n m=E1=BA=ADt =C4= =91=E1=BB=83 n=C3=B3i chuy=E1=BB=87n v=E1=BB=81=20 nh=E1=BB=AFng v=E1=BA=A5n =C4=91=E1=BB=81 r=E1=BA=A5t quan tr=E1=BB=8Dng = sau =C4=91=C3=A2y: 1 - C=C3=A1c ho=E1=BA=A1t =C4=91=E1=BB=99ng k=E1=BB=B7 ni=E1=BB=87m ng=C3= =A0y Software Freedom Day=20 ( 28 th=C3=A1ng 8 n=C4=83m 2004 2 - Khi n=C3=A0o c=C3=A1c nh=C3=B3m s=E1=BA=BD g=E1=BA=B7p m=E1=BA=B7t l=E1= =BA=A7n sau 3 - C=C3=A0 ph=C3=AA/tr=C3=A0/beer v=C3=A0 c=C3=A1c ho=E1=BA=A1t =C4=91=E1= =BB=99ng vui v=E1=BA=BB =C4=90=E1=BB=8Ba =C4=91i=E1=BB=83m: H=E1=BA=A3i X=E1=BB=93m 181 Gi=E1=BA=A3ng V=C3=B5 Th=E1=BB=9Di gian: Th=E1=BB=A9 t=C6=B0, ng=C3=A0y 7 th=C3=A1ng 7 v=C3=A0o l=C3=BAc 7 gi=E1=BB= =9D t=E1=BB=91i (2004-07-07 lu=CC=81c 7PM) =C4=91=E1=BB=81 ngh=E1=BB=8B x=C3=A1c nh=E1=BA=ADn s=E1=BB=B1 c=C3=B3 m=E1= =BA=B7t c=E1=BB=A7a b=E1=BA=A1n trong cu=E1=BB=99c h=E1=BB=8Dp. ------ Nguyen Dinh Nam Tel: 04-8361390 Cell: 0953319133 Hanoi Cryptographic Group Tel: 04-7685161
---------------- David Tremblay IT analyst Oxfam Qu=C3=A9bec-Hanoi Tel: (84-4) 853 0632 #111 Mob: 09 12 47 4995 Fax: (84-4) 843 0472 e-mail: alt-e-mail:
--------------060706050402070908010403 Content-Type: text/x-vcard; charset=utf-8; name="dtremblay.vcf" Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="dtremblay.vcf" YmVnaW46dmNhcmQNCmZuOkRhdmlkIFRyZW1ibGF5DQpuOlRyZW1ibGF5O0RhdmlkDQpvcmc6 T3hmYW0gUXVlYmVjDQphZHI6SVBPIGJveCA2Nzs7MTYgTGFuZSAxNjQgRG9pIENhbiBzdHJl ZXQ7SGEgTm9pOzs7VmlldCBOYW0NCmVtYWlsO2ludGVybmV0OmR0cmVtYmxheUBveGZhbXFj Lm5ldG5hbS52bg0KdGl0bGU6SVQgYW5hbHlzdA0KdGVsO3dvcms6KDg0LTQpIDg0My0wNjMy ICMxMTENCnRlbDtmYXg6KDg0LTQpIDg0My0wNDcyDQp0ZWw7Y2VsbDowOTEyIDQ3IDQ5OTUN CngtbW96aWxsYS1odG1sOkZBTFNFDQp1cmw6aHR0cDovL3d3dy5yZWRhY3RlY2guY29tDQp2 ZXJzaW9uOjIuMQ0KZW5kOnZjYXJkDQoNCg== --------------060706050402070908010403--
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