Last update: Tuesday, March 19, 2002 2:15 PM
Stefan oi, Ok, Are you remember the last days of opensource workshoop organize by IT group of MOST? you have said about one software Vietkey that one group of Vietnamese support by MOST-IT group ( 150.000 USD) dowload from internet and chaging the logo and sending it in Vetnam? - This VIETKEY can't using for the database data . - Now, this group promoting the VN GOV for 20.000.000 USD for continuing to develop opensource software LINUS in Vietnamese and support IC develop of VN. - Now, if you8 can write something and sended it to me, because I need to write one report to the GOV about this project to prevent of this IT group continuing to do terrible job? Please, send to me quick your opinion Cheers LNX --- Stefan Probst <> wrote: > Dear Xuan, > > At 04:32 07.05.2003 +0000, you wrote: > ------------------------- > >Dear Stepan, > >How are you? > >Please, threre tree words: > >e-commerce: buon ban dien tu > >e-trade: thuong mai dien tu > >e-business: kinh doanh dien tu > > Can you pls. describe the difference between this > "e-trade" and > "e-commerce" and "e-business". > > >in vietnam we call e-commerce is thuong mai dien > tu, > > just above, you said "e-commerce: buon ban dien tu". > ?? > > >so the ministry of trade said that all of project > >relation with e-commerce is their work. Follow me , > >MOT looking only about e-trade , e-commerce for > SME. > >What do you thing? we need to made clearly tree > >definition of this conception now. > > Frankly, I don't care what fancy new words some > government officials are > inventing. I care, what the potential business > partners in other countries > expect: Offering, ordering, invoicing, payment, and > delivery (latter one > where applicable) via the Internet. Let's call it > "OOIPD". > And I - and the Government - should care about what > APEC considers as > eCommerce. See > > > To call a website, where not a single item of OOIPD > works, the first > "eCommerce site", is like calling a plot of land a > forest, before the first > tree is planted. > > Best Regards, > Stefan > > > > > > -- > URL of List Archives: > > URL to Subscribe to this list: > > > To unsubscribe from: WG-eCommerce, just follow this > link: > > Click the link, or copy and paste the address into > your browser, > or send a to > request manual unsubscription > by the list administrator. > >
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